So it happened again. I had a random conversation with a stranger at the store and she began comparing her life with a dog to mine with children. I actually thought she was talking about a child, but then she was like “yeah my dog does that too!” *Insert Deep Sigh here, Oh and a facepalm too!*
Let me be the first to say, I love dogs and animals in general. I grew up with two dogs myself. They were every bit a part of the family. We played with them, took them on walks, got them all the cute chew toys and even christmas presents too! I have fond memories with them, but they-are-not-children.
To be honest, I draw a blank when I am in these weird conversations. I mean what do I say? I know there is no harm intended, so I just try and change the subject. A part of the human connection is finding commonalities. I get it, but just not with dogs and my children.
So here is a short list of valid reasons to not compare your life with a dog (or any animal for that matter) to my life with a toddler and baby.
My Children Are Human
I know this is a given, but maybe typing this out and seeing it in black and white can help with some more of the obvious. There are just certain things only human children do and NEED.
Currently, my children need me to physically feed them, cloth them, take them to school, read to them, help them learn their ABCs and 1,2,3’s. Be a level support system. Oh and just maybe pay for them to go to college one day if they chose that route. There is literally way to much to type here.
Children and Social Impact
I’m not raising my dog to have an impact on society. Speaking from a previous dog owner perspective. They are pretty smart. I use to be tickled with how personable our dogs were growing up, but I am not “raising them.”
My children on the other hand, are little people that will one day be adults. Every decision we make as a parent can greatly effect our children. We are teaching them how to have manners, be self sufficient, go after their goals, work in the community and respect others.
These are only a few of the many layers involved in the parenthood life. Fur babies are cool but none of this requires that. No comparison.
I’m Not a Child Owner
I’m not my child’s master. Yup! I don’t own my children and don’t want to. I don’t even know what else to say here. If you have anything to add to this part let me know. Seriously.
No Home Alone
When I leave the house, I can’t leave my child at home by themselves (at least at this young age) This is actually something I can go to jail for. It’s pretty serious stuff. So yeah there is that. Oh and don’t feed me any stuff about doggie daycare. It’s still not the same. Please also add not crating children like “fur babies” to this section too. Another huge no, no. Remember how Kevin’s mom freaked out when she left him Home Alone?
In short, companionship is a HUGE part of our everyday lives. We get it from human beings like our family and friends. It can also come in the form of having a pet. This in many ways gives us purpose and a positive outlook in ways we didn’t know we needed.
The ever changing demands of motherhood go far beyond any comparison to a fur baby. Nope. Not even close. It is actually quite tacky and demeaning in my opinion. Infantilizing your fur baby is completely cool, but just know there is a huge difference. So please stop, because its weird AF.
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