Happy New Year!!!!
It’s is officially 2013!!! This time of year we all are motivated by fresh beginning’s, new ideas and dreams to be fulfilled.

Sooooo, here’s the question that you will probably be hearing for the next 2-3 weeks. . . . What are your New Years Resolutions? It may be to lose weight, spend more time with family or starting a new business. Either way, 99% of our goals are emotional and have a big significance in our lives.
Here are a two very important tips to making your resolutions work for you:

–Create a visual: A visual image of a goal is always a good way to see where you currently and where you want to be. Example, if you want to quit smoking, create a journal of the time frames or days you dont smoke. Set a goal when you want to totally quit and mark it on a calender.

–Make goals realistic: Although our intentions are good, we sometimes can get enormously motivated. This is indeed good, but we need to make them realistic. An example of this would be if you wanted to run a 10k in two weeks, but never ran a day in your life. This would be unrealistic. It will also be very dangerous to do such a thing. A better goal would be to run a 10k once you have had more training in a few months to 6 months time.
We hope these two tips can help with the success of your goals. Remember to also hold yourself accountable for them.
Always remember goals don’t come easy. Hard work is important, but it pays off in the end!