Every day, I am constantly reminded of how important it is for a child to create. Our living spaces start the foundation for this type of play and learning. Designating a spot just for little humans to get lost in their imagination can be one of the biggest gifts for them.
Let’s be clear though. This post is not about making sure you have a Pinterest worthy playroom. I love Pinterest BTW. It’s is simply about having a purposeful area for creativity and learning.
So, here are several ways to ensure your child has a well-rounded space just for them.
Toy Storage in Play Space
Let’s go ahead and get this one out the way, shall we? Toy accumulation is so insane. Sometimes having too many toys can actually interrupt a child’s creative process. Why? Because having too many toys can be a distraction and a challenge for them to focus on. It’s like the saying “You Can’t See the Forest From the Trees.”
You have toy parts missing here and there and next thing you know it’s another one thrown in a pile because they can’t even play with it.
Purging, organizing and storing toys for them can be extremely helpful. I recall doing a huge purge and then putting the rest of the toys in his storage bins. He was so excited to see toys that he hadn’t see in months. This confirmed I was on the right track.
See my Motherhood Guide to Decluttering to jump start your purging. Then you will be well on your way to having the best toy storage area minus the junk.
Play Space Library
What child doesn’t have tons of books? When I was pregnant with our first son, we asked for books as baby shower gifts. Our family and friends didn’t disappoint. Instead of just having the books thrown down in a corner, we got a cheap bookcase to display all of them. Then the library started to take shape.
Any other parent doing the “1000 Books by Kindergarten”? Keeping them well organized has helped a great deal for this fun project leading up to Kindergarten. We can easily keep track of what he has read and still needs to read.
Visual Aid
So who else is a visual learner? I honestly think we all are to some degree. The same can go for our children. Just imagine all of this knowledge they are trying to learn. Having a quick board to display what they are currently trying to master can really keep those “ahhh haaa” moments of understanding going. Some things we display on the board are his math problems, new words to sound out or even a quote of encouragement.
Area to Sit and Discover
We as adults like to have our desks or even a spot at the dining room table to work from time to time. This can be just as important for our children. A simple table and chair set or even a cleared area on the floor is perfect.
Remember Function Over Fancy.
One thing about children is, they don’t care about how big or small a play space is. They don’t care about how pretty the decor looks. They just want a space to keeps their little mind guessing, growing and learning.
I hope these areas have helped you lay the foundation for a well-rounded space for your littles. Remember, it isn’t about a fancy huge space, but just one they feel amazing to create in.
Got a question or want to collab? Be sure to send me an email. Also stay in touch by signing up for my newsletter.
Until Next Time!