Creativity comes naturally to children. Somewhere along the way, we lose it when we become adults. As a parent, I don’t want my children to ever lose their creative spirit for lack of support. I have been in complete amazement on how my son’s creativity has grown.
There are so many ways to support children’s creativity. So here are some ways you can ensure you do the same.
Creative Mess
This first one is hard for me because I LOVE
When they step out of the home they are put in a world full of order, judgment and challenges they don’t even know about yet. I want our home to be a safe, free place from all of this.
Asking Questions
Many don’t like it when children ask questions. The saying goes “Children Are to Be Seen and Not Heard.” I won’t dive into this today, but let’s just say asking questions is extremely important for children’s growth.
Actually, if anyone needs to be asking questions it should be them. Children aren’t experienced in the world as much as adults are. It is important to welcome questions to sharpen their communication skills and helps with confidence building too. Creating involves questioning sometimes.
Creative Space
One of my dreams is to have my own studio. A place where I can work on my art, photography, writing and anything else that inspires me. I think the same goes for my children. My son loves his designated “play” space. It houses all his toys and cool stationery. Everything is in one place and he can put that creative energy to work.
We try to keep this space fresh with new art on the walls. Rearranging the furniture is fun at times too.
Criticial Thinking

During many projects, I take a step back to allow my son to problem solve on his own. This also allows him to try and formulate ways to ask how he needs help. These moments have been pretty impressive because he is getting better and better at.
Be a Creative Bridge
Paying attention to a child’s passions can be just what they need to take things to the next level. We as adults are exposed to so much more than they are. Adults have access, knowledge, and discernment to bridge resources to a child’s creative passions. Some resources may be new art supplies, an event that involves something they like or a lesson to sharpen their skill set. Take Pride in this.
Mom Gets Creative
Children watch everything adults do. Especially their parents. It is important for me to hone in on my own creative passions for two reasons:
He needs to see mom has her own passions
Can inspire them to create
Both of these areas are equally important and they have helped me get out of my creative funks.
Well, there it is. Ways to support a child’s creative spirit.
How do you support your child’s creativity? Leave me a message in the comment section below.
Got questions or want to collab? Shoot me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!