One week from today, All Naturals everywhere can dive their eyes into a book for us and by us. The BushBroads book release will be shared for all on Oct 21, 2011. So what is Bush Broads? Find out more below.
why BushBroads:
While driving home after attending a fashion show, it was painstakingly clear that ‘we’ are underrepresented–no, completely absent–in certain realms. Take fashion for example, how many natural beauties can you name? My point exactly! Inspired by the lack thereof, ‘BushBroads’ was born–slightly raunchy at first utterance, the text beckons you to dig deeper. (yea, I like that name) Perfect! Check! (now what?) Turns out that before I arrived home, I knew exactly who to share this venture with, Meesh ‘The Great.’ Days later, along came Gia and Joy and, truth be told, the rest is history. And, just so happens, that’s exactly what we’re making–history (well, more like ‘herstory.’) As BushBroads, we define ourselves and will spell it out for society if need be as beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, hues and textures. Matter of fact, we’ll even take pictures because you know what’s said, they last longer…..
This right here is for us, by us! I encourage you to embrace your ‘bush’ and join the movement because, sis, we are moving!!

Intro from book:
It was just a thought as I traveled home, having left a fashion show that left me…..well, wondering. I didn’t know how, who, what, when or where but I certainly knew why?! That question was painstakingly obvious—because it’s needed, because there is a gaping absence, because it’s time to celebrate and embrace, because it’s a new day. And with this new day, comes a great responsibility to inform, uncover and empower. Essentially, it’s time to stop hiding behind so-called ‘socially-acceptable’images and just be…..
Natural. Before I continue, know that this is in no way meant to be viewed as a bash towards women who choose to straighten, de-kink and/or otherwise uncoil their naps. Instead it’s a glimpse of beautiful women who choose to remain true. Like I said, it’s a celebration! And, sis, we are celebrating!
Celebrating because it’s been a long time coming but, alas!, it has come. Surely, someone, somewhere would take note and make a difference, right? I did just that! We did just that! For too long have we been absent from mainstream media and social scenes despite our growing numbers. For too long, have we endured skewed images of what beauty is and what beauty looks like. Thus, BushBroads.
Suggestively, though appropriately tagged, this group of natural, hand-picked women came together to embrace our God-given beauty. With Michelle‘Meesh’ Flowers doing her thing with the camera, Joy Nichelle Randall beating faces left and right, Gia Atkinson perfectly prepping the varied tresses and I, with wardrobe and ideas in tow, went to work.
SHOUT OUTS: *****I must give a shout out to our assistants, Marquita Bianca Anthony (shot the background/process photos), Johnatha Camp and Tyiesha Golden (makeup pros) who held us down! Also, a big THANK YOU to Always A Head Salon, Charlotte, NC for serving as our prep location. *so very grateful and now doing a happy dance* J To our models, thank you for your time and for allowing us to ‘play’ with you; it was definitely magical!*****
Via numerous emails, phone calls and face-to-faces, this phenomenon came to life. Ideas would creep into my head for a shoot or I’ll become inspired by a particular feeling, color, etc and the crew made it happen. Whether that meant driving for miles, let alone hours, to find the right locale, braving both frigid and suffocating temperatures, or whether the proposal was simple or complex. Whether that meant, shooting all day or just a few hours, readying one model or five, we made it happen! Good or bad days, tired and fed up with each other, weary from lugging equipment/supplies here and there, we made it happen! We did it…..simply because this movement, this celebration is far greater than us.
Our contribution, what lies ahead is only the beginning but represents beauty in all its varied shapes, sizes, lengths, and textures. What lies ahead is a celebration of us—whether kinky, coily, curly, bushy, loc’d, or shaved caesar-low. What lies ahead is statement-making. It’s bold and graphic. It’s us, with hair like cotton!
What lies ahead is a new outlook. It’s a sigh of relief for every woman and little girl who is tired and weary of reaching for the box on the shelf to conform to society’s box. Most importantly, these colorfully, graphic, self-affirming images are for you! Know that, indeed, you are fly! You are dope! You are fresh just the way you are—NATURAL and with hair like cotton!
BUSHBROADS book release is on Friday, Oct 21. Be there!
Want to learn more about BushBroads check them out here