Halfway into my first trimester, I became very ill. It wasn’t the “morning sickness” I was expecting. This type of nausea totally caught me off guard and had me feeling there was something extremely wrong.
The vomiting wouldn’t stop. It should have been called “All Day sickness” because it wasn’t just in the morning. Also, dizzy spells thought it would be fun to join in too :/
As a precaution, I made an appointment with my obstetrician. She informally diagnosed me and shared I just might have an extreme case of morning sickness, medically known as “hyperemesis gravidarum.” It is typical for women to feel this type of sickness in their first trimester, but a small percentage has these symptoms throughout their entire pregnancy. Although, I was relieved my symptoms were common, the thought of feeling so sick for 34 more weeks had me completely nervous.
So what were my symptoms?
They included the following:
-Vomiting 15-20 times per day (sometimes with blood because my throats was so raw and sore)
-Dizzy spells
-Bloody nose
I also lost nearly 10 lbs in my first trimester.
There were times that all I could do was sit and cry. It felt better sleeping all day to escape from the constant nausea and lack of energy. When I could, I read about motherhood and focused on the positives. I also researched natural healing methods for HG.
A few things I found to help me were:
- Drinking peppermint and ginger tea
- Eating. Yes, despite the vomiting it was important for me to keep something on my stomach. Even if it was saltine crackers or a piece of bread. I also drank lots of soup.
- Emetrol. This over the counter liquid medication helps with nausea. It is safe for pregnant women to drink and works pretty quickly.
- Drinking ginger ale
After a few visits to the emergency room my doctor prescribed me with Zofran. This medicine comes in pill form and helps suppress the sickness for hours. I was reluctant on taking it, because I wasn’t too thrilled about prescription drugs. There were also concerns about my baby. I became very specific on what I consumed. The doctor assured me it was completely safe to take.
Luckily my HG tampered off after 14 weeks. It was such a relief to feel so much better. Let me say this, never underestimate the power of reaching out to a friend or loved one to simply ask this question. “How are you feeling today?” I was so thankful for my family and friends who always checked on me. Those thoughtful concerns alone helped a great deal.
Words cant express the amazing support my husband was to me. Even if it was sitting in bed with me holding my hand while I cried. He was there. My mother also drove up to help me day to day. Love them both so much.
I hope my testimony provides comfort to any mother going through a similar experience. Always remember it is temporary and you are stronger than you realize.
Please Note: Everything listed above is from my own personal experience. Consult your doctor with concerns about your pregnancy for evaluation.
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