Recovering from a c-section is no walk in the park. Let me tell you. I realized there is tons of realness left out of the entire process. To help other mamas feel better prepared, I wanted to share a few things that I had to find out in the process.
Constipation Happens
There’s no easy way around this one. Between the meds, diet, and shock from your body, constipation may occur. Attempting to poop can be a challenge too. Drinking plenty of water and adding some fiber may help.
C-Section Numbness
The numbness that happens after a c-section is quite interesting. As it was explained to me, a portion of your nerve-ending has been cut. They need time to heal. Honestly, I think there is a small portion of permanent numbness to be expected.
Swollen Feet
Whew! My feet were swolllllllennnn the first time around. I was a bit concerned something was wrong and my body was reacting to it. It was completely normal. All that fluid from your IV drains down to the bottom of your feet. Over the course of two weeks, my feet slowly went back to normal. Yay for putting on shoes š
The First Walk is Hard
Walking for the first time is hard. Plain and Simple. Don’t try and just hop out the bed by yourself.
Your Incision Doesn’t Look as Bad As it May Feel
The pain after a c-section will make you feel like your incision is from one hip to the other. It’s not. I didn’t even want to look at mine but remember feeling relieved when I did. It was much smaller than I expect for taking a human out my body.
Importance of a Healthy Diet
Good food habits are more important that you may think. Just like mentioned above, constipation happens. You want to eat well to keep the pipes flowing. If you know what I mean.
Drink Water Please
Staying hydrated is a MUST too! It’s so easy to get dehydrated in the days after surgery. Your body is working overtime to heal itself from all that it has gone through.
Back Pain May Happen
After my second c-section, I had awful back pain. It’s a result of the lack of stomach muscles and your back is overcompensating. I used lots of icy hot packs, warm compresses and even a hot shower helped as well.
Belly Binder Help
I’ve seen tons of women wearing their belly bands days after delivery. This is something I couldn’t do given the c-section. It put too much pressure on my incision. After a month, I felt comfortable wearing it. It was mainly worn to stabilize my core and relieve the awful back pain as mentioned above. Consult your doctor on best practices for your personal situation.
Healing is Different for Everyone
It is extremely important to understand this HEALING IS A PROCESS. Let me say this again. A PROCESS. Unfortunately, there is no magic wand for us to heal faster. You are Human.
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Please Note: Consult your doctor for specific care for your current situation. The items above are from my own personal experience and advice from my doctor.